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Monthly Archives: December 2024

Confuse hunger with craving.

Often our body starts giving us signals that it wants to eat, but we get confused about whether that feeling is just a desire to eat or if our body is actually hunger. Especially during weight loss, we have to be extra careful about what we

Sleep less risks weight gain.

It is well known that insufficient sleep affects our daily life. Sleeping less or not enough can make us irritable, moody, and have no energy to work, making us feel gloomy all day long. Lack of sleep not only makes your mind dull, it also

Getting to know “pneumonia”.

Pneumonia is a respiratory disease or inflammation of the lungs caused by infection with bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause infection of the lower respiratory tract. There is inflammation of the lungs, causing the air sacs to be filled with pus or secretions, resulting in

5 foods that are harmful to the liver.

Most people only know that drinking alcohol is a liver destroyer, but they never know that many foods can destroy the liver faster than alcohol. The liver is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates, creating glucose, and detoxifying the body. It also stores nutrients and produces bile,